The World is a fine Place and worth fighting for, I believe in the latter part. - Ernest Hemmingway, Andrew Kevin Walker

Wednesday 8 September 2010

American elites like totally annoyed about Qur'an burning.

Yeah so some shitty little 50 member congregation church in Florida is going to burn some Qur'ans because gubmint wont let them burn crosses where black folk live no more. Its an unpleasant but minor act of intolerance in a state, heck a nation, which sees a good deal of unpleasant acts of intolerance. But the "great and the good" are falling over themselves to condemn it, heck General Petraeus has entered the public sphere to boost his image for a presidential run taken a break from killing Afghanis and Pakistanis to publicly complain about this minor event and how it threatens the TRoops"

Of course this is because the powerful in the US care about the lives of the poors they send off to die in the middle east and how their favourite punching bag minority is treated. What they certainly aren't doing is deliberately making a big deal about this in the hopes it inflames anger among Muslims around the world (which it has) and makes westerners afraid of Muslims and their possible retaliations, people who are divided, afraid and angry and thus unable to realise their common interests are certainly not something they find desirable. Of course the absolute worst case scenario they'll do everything in their power to prevent is this anger over a storm in a tea cup leading to another terror attack, the further curtailment of civil rights this would force our leaders to impose is something that turns their very stomachs to think about.

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