The World is a fine Place and worth fighting for, I believe in the latter part. - Ernest Hemmingway, Andrew Kevin Walker

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Vocal critic of Iraq war blamed for Iraq war.

Clare Short who gave a barnstorming account to the Chilcot Inquiry has been blamed by her former deputy Sally Keeble who said Short "hampered aid efforts". However given Short resigned from the cabinet weeks after the 2003 invasion (and had been misled by Blair into sticking around that long) and Ms Keeble only left government when Labour lost power on May 6th one has to question who was more complicit and more to blame for this. Ms Keeble also lost her seat on that day and likely will be wanting to impress the powers that be so she'll be selected for a winnable seat come next election, attacking a vocal critic would likely do that.

Then again if this is the extent of the revenge of blairites she has gotten off lightly, Robin Cook resigned before the Iraq war started and gave the only speech in the commons ever to recieve a standing ovation. Two years later he was dead, to quote wikipedia:
In early August 2005, Cook and his wife, Gaynor, took a two-week holiday in the Highlands of Scotland. At around 2:20 pm, on 6 August 2005, whilst walking down Ben Stack in Sutherland, Scotland, Cook suddenly suffered a severe heart attack, collapsed and lost consciousness. A helicopter containing paramedics arrived 40 minutes after a 999 call was taken. Cook then was flown to Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. Gaynor did not get in the helicopter, and was left to walk down the mountain. Despite efforts made by the medical team to revive Cook in the helicopter, he was already beyond recovery, and at 4:05pm, minutes after arrival at the hospital, was pronounced dead. Two days later, a post mortem revealed that Cook died of hypertensive heart disease.

Now of course its likely his death was natural causes but given Dr David Kelly's "suicide" one can't help but wonder. More to the point while one is generally willing to accept Blair was co-architect of the deaths of over a million Iraqis the idea he'd conspire to kill a single white person seems almost unthinkable, do we truly subconciously privilege our skin colour so much?

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