The World is a fine Place and worth fighting for, I believe in the latter part. - Ernest Hemmingway, Andrew Kevin Walker

Thursday 19 August 2010

Israel to fight reality's liberal bias.

Two zionist groups have realised wikipedia is full of evidence that Israel's oppression of Palestinians, breaking of international law, war crimes and crimes against humanity on wikipedia making them look bad, which has made them "frustrated" so, they're training up wikipedia editors to "correct" wikipedia. But don't worry kids, they're not going to spread propaganda or anything oh no:

"We don't want to change Wikipedia or turn it into a propaganda arm," says Naftali Bennett, director of the Yesha Council. "We just want to show the other side. People think that Israelis are mean, evil people who only want to hurt Arabs all day."

Controversial options like stopping doing evil things would perhaps work better but just censoring all criticism of Israel seems easier, hell they've already clamped down heavily on media access oh and of course by happy accident the blockade also limits media access and they've blocked aid worker's access to gaza just so the west gets as little info from the Gaza strip as possible. So yeah, why not keep going on the same path.

To finish a chilling and oddly candid announcement they're not simply trying to alter pages to fit their views, they have designs on taking over the community:
"We learned what not to do: don't jump into deep waters immediately, don't be argumentative, realise that there is a semi-democratic community out there, realise how not to get yourself banned," says Yisrael Medad, one of the course participants, from Shiloh.

So look forward to the Holocaust page on wikipedia detailing how the victims of the holocaust were 8 billion jews, a gay person (who was just confused) and a jehvoa's witness oh and the concentration and death camp guards were Palestinians.

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