Lamentably the far fairer and more equitable system of private insurance has lamentably found that a lot of poor people need to die. The free medical market (that is more heavily subsidised by the US government in terms of proportions of GDP than any socialised healthcare system) is infalliable, now please lie down and die quietly. That is to say the US has once again placed dead last in the rankings of western healthcare systems while paying far more than anyone else: USA! USA!
this gives me an excuse to post my favourite thing the National Geographic has ever produced:
But wait, theres more! The cost of individual purchased health insurance premiums have gone up around 20% since Obamacare passed and given that by law everyone will be forced to have insurance its likely employers will start to phase out their health insurance plans on grounds of cost and because its not like employees can go without in the near future.
Obama bringing this issue into prominence and promising something that didn't come to pass with single payer healthcare reform may have repercussions in the future as people realise how much this fucks them over. Likely though they'll just vote republican as the full extent of their protest because everyone knows a third party can't win.
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