I'm working through a backlog of his articles, being mostly accurate they can be really depressing but still they're worth reading, here are a few highlights of recent times:
Universal Cure An examination of how much privilege contributes to success in life in the UK (a lot) and then he references a novel solution first suggested by Peter Wilby a decade ago. I don't know if it would work but its certainly interesting.
Its likely this idea is worth applying to America too, you're just a teasy bit more socially mobile than us
Carbon Graveyard In which he points out that the UK has outsourced rather than reduced its' greenhouse gas output and how much of a problem consumption and tying economic stability to consumption is for the environment.
Northern Rock the Planet A short description of just how hypocritical and deceitful bankers can be.
I'll try to keep more on top of Monbiot editorials in future thus link them in a more timely manner but even if I just keep linking blocs of articles from time to time they're well worth reading.
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